
What do you bring? Speaking on your resume...

What to write, what to write, what to say…  Argh, right?  Here’s the question: what have you done with your time in the past?  What do you do now?  How can that be properly explained?  In a word: Exposition.  That’s right, expository writing. 

In a resume, words are your ally – they are your only true representation and there’s one shot, usually, to get someone’s attention.  Are your words succinct?  Are they properly descriptive? They need to explain:
Who you are.
Where you’ve been.
How did you lead, follow, work on a team?
In what ways (very specifically) did you benefit the company?
What tools did you use or skills did you demonstrate to accomplish these things?
What is your education? Any college at all?  Put it down.  Certifications-even in other fields-yes. Show you are willing to learn throughout your life.

In other words, what do you bring to the table?  What makes this company interested in speaking to you?  The purpose of your resume is to start the conversation.  Sometimes, it is easy for the company to also realize that you are just not the right fit for them.  This doesn’t mean you aren’t a qualified candidate, but remember that this is about finding the right fit for both of you.  If you do your best to represent yourself in an interesting, engaging, accurate way, that piece of paper can do a lot of talking for you. 

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